About Images

Websby allows you to display your images in many different ways. The examples below demonstrate the main types of image displays.  Basically, there are three main types:

  • Image Slideshows - only show one image at a time, but has a number of different features / configurations that can be set using a slideshow configuration form
  • Image Slider - can be configured to show one image at a time (like a slideshow) or any number of images in a row, with any number of rows.  Image sliders are highly configurable using an Image Slider Configuration form.
  • Image Gallery - this is actually an image slider, but it allows for Image galleries (images in a grid of rows and columns) to have a different default setting than regular Image Sliders, which can have a different default configuration set.
Traditional Slideshow
Image Slider
Image Slider in Vertical Configuration
Image Slider - 2 Pictures per row, 1 Row with no captions
Image Slider - 2 Pictures per row, 1 Row with captions
Image Slider with Thumbnails
Image Slider - 4 rows with 2 columns
Image Gallery
Web Manager Series Video Tutorials
Web Publisher Series Tutorial Videos
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