
Ensuring that your website is accessible to those with disabilities is both right and required.  Most jurisdictions have minimum accessibility requirements that must be met by public school websites as measured by specific criteria.  Regardless of the local version of these guidelines, they all more or less follow the international standard for accessibility, WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) which is governed by the W3C.    More on WCAG   

WCAG has several standards (1.0, 2.0, 2.1 and so on..) that define the level of accessibility, and, within those standards, a website is graded as to whether it is completely compliant (AAA rating), mostly compliant (AA), or minimally compliant (A).  Most public government / school websites should meet the AA standard.

Websby supports all of the technical requirments for WCAG standards so that a properly desinged website will pass inspection.  The larger burden, however,  is on the website publishers themselves to make sure that the content they pubish meets these standards.  The vast majority of infractions come because those publishing content fail to add alternative text to their images and tables.

There are several tools within Websby that can help publishers conform more easily to the guidelines.  These tools are in the document editor so that you can scan a document for missing tags etc, and also in folders so that images with missing tags are highlighted.

Helpful Accessibility Tools