Websby Content Types Explained

About Content Types in Websby

Websby allows you to display your information from documents, feeds, calendars, as well as images and files in folders in a number of different ways for each type. Understanding how users will consume your information is key to choosing the right method for its display.

There are two places where you have to choose a content type;  

  • When you add links in a menu, you have to choose the content type
  • When you assign content to a panel in a Layout, you have to choose the content type

The following image illustrates the drop down list of currently available content types for the Header Menu, Side Menu, and the Layout Panels.



Content Type

Header Menu?

Side Menu?

Layout Panel?

Configuration Form Type


External Link





Applies to Menus only - use to link to any external website







Applies to Menus only - use to create a link to a WebSpace


Single Document or Message
YES YES YES Document Style

Use to display a Websby Page or a single PDF

See It

List of Documents
YES YES YES Content Library

Use to display the names of a list of Websby Pages in a given WebSpace.  Note: the Automenu checkbox must be checked for each document you wish included in the listing.


Document Slideshow
NO NO YES Document Slideshow 

In a Layout Panel, this content type will cycle through a list of documents, displaying each one in the panel as governed by the configuration form associated with the panel. Note: the Automenu checkbox must be checked for each document you wish included in the slideshow.


Document Slider
NO NO YES Image Slider In a Layout Panel, this content type will display the content of the documents in a slider view in the panel as governed by the configuration form associated with the panel. Note: the Automenu checkbox must be checked for each document you wish included in the slideshow.  
Feed with Thumbnail
YES YES YES Content Library

This Content Type will display the posts in a feed in a blog type view, displaying any associated thumbnail image along with a preview of the contents of the feed post. Styling is based on how the feed is configured to display in the Content Library Configuration Form associated with that panel or link.

Feed with No Thumbnail
YES YES YES Content Library This Content Type will display the posts in a feed in a blog type view, but will suppress any associated thumbnail image along with a preview of the contents of the feed post. Styling is based on how the feed is configured to display in the Content Library Configuration Form associated with that panel or link.
Feed - Title List Only
YES YES YES Content Library This Content Type will display only the titles of the posts in a feed in a list view.   Styling is based on how the feed is configured to display in the configuration form associated with that panel or link
Feed Slideshow
NO NO YES Document Slideshow Feeds can be displayed in the form of a slideshow so that the contents of each feed post are displayed sequentially.  Styling is based on how the feed is configured to display in the Document Slideshow Configuration Form associated with that panel.
Feed Slider
NO NO YES Image Slider Feeds can be displayed in the form of a filmstrip so that the contents of each feed post are displayed. The number of panels in the film strip and the styling is based on how the feed is configured to display in the Image Slider Configuration Form associated with that panel.
List of Folder Content with Preview

Content Library /

Image Slider

Depending on the type of folder chosen (Images or Files), the resulting display will either list the files in the folder in a blog type view (with styling based on a Content Library Configuration form) or as an Image Gallery (with styling based on an Image Slider Configuration form).    
List of Folder Content with No Preview

Content Library/

Image Slider

Depending on the type of folder chosen (Images or Files), the resulting display will either list the files in the folder in a blog type view (with styling based on a Content Library Configuration form with the Caption field for each file suppressed) or as an Image Gallery (with styling based on an Image Slider Configuration form).    
List of Folders
YES YES YES Content Library  Displays the names of the folders in a given WebSpace.  Note: the Automenu checkbox must be checked for each folder you wish included in the list.  
List of WebSpaces
YES YES YES Content Library  Displays the names of the Sub WebSpaces in a given WebSpace.  Note: the Automenu checkbox must be checked for each Sub WebSpace you wish included in the list.  
Calendar (List)
NO NO YES Calendar List In a Layout Panel, this type lists the events in a given calendar as a text list with a calendar icon for the Month and Day.  Styling is set by a Calendar List Configuration Form.  
Calendar (Daily)
NO NO YES Calendar Displays a daily view of a calendar in a Layout Panel.  
Calendar (Weekly)
NO NO YES Calendar Displays a weekly view of a calendar in a Layout Panel.  
Calendar (Monthly)
NO NO YES Calendar Displays a monthly view of a calendar in a Layout Panel.  
Calendar (Full)
YES YES YES Calendar Displays a full graphical calendar  
Google Calendar
YES YES YES N/A Links to or displays a Google Calendar in a Panel or in a standalone page  
Image Slideshow
NO NO YES . .  
Image Gallery
NO NO YES . .  
Image Slider
NO NO YES . .  
Scripted Widget (eg. Twitter)
NO NO YES . .  
NO NO YES . .  
External Content Listing
NO NO YES . .  
Menu Divider
YES YES NO . .  
Magic Menu
NO YES NO . .  
NO NO YES . .  


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