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Websby Support


Websby support is available to Websby Web Publishers and Websby Web Managers.  Help is available through Websby Groups in Edsby.


Websby Groups

The Websby Web Manager has the primary responsibility to ensure that the school website is current and up to date with key content.  Web Managers will be invited to the 'Websby Web Manager' Group.  The group will be added to the 'My Group' panel.  Within this group under the Knowledge panel, there will be several help documents and FAQ's available.  Posting of updates and enhancements will also be made available here.


A 'Websby Web Publisher' group is made available to all Edsby users.  Web Publishers are users adding content to specific areas of the school website that have been shared by the Web Manager.  


This group provides a collaboration space between Websby Support and Websby Web Publishers.  A link to the Websby help and documentation website is made available within the group.  Users may easily submit questions/comments from the Notes feed.


To add this group to the 'My Groups' panel, click the 'Find More' link.  Edsby will display all groups that are available to join.  Click the 'Websby Web Publisher'  group to open and from the upper right corner, select the Join link.  The 'Websby Web Publisher' will now appear under the 'My Groups' panel.  


Training Opportunies


Websby website training sessions are available to all elementary and secondary school Web Managers (Principals or Vice-Principals and designates) and Web Publishers (Other staff).  Sessions may be provided during school hours (half day/full day sessions) or after school.  Websby training may be customized to fit your school needs; demonstration, hands-on/interactive, or one-on-one support.  Training resources and supports will be made available as well during these sessions.


Web Manager Series Video Tutorials
Web Publisher Series Tutorial Videos
Websby Logo associated with a link to change the website to the editing mode