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Working with Edsby Groups

Websby makes it possible for content from Edsby groupsto be published to the website.  Normally, groups are private places that only members can access to view content, but, there are cases where it make sense to share some or all of a group's content to the public website.  For example, a group that is meant for the football team might want all games to show up on a calendar on the web, while practices and other team events remain private.  Similarly, the team might want to publish the scores after games, or highlights of a game etc, but keep conversations between the members of the group private.  There are lots of examples where this type of capability is desirable.

This functionality only works if Websby is installed on the Edsby system in question, and only the group moderator can switch this capability on.  Even by doing so, the content will not be available to the public until a WebMaster or Web Manager adds either or both of the group feed and group calendar to the website.  

NOTE: For any of this functionality to work, you must invite the Websby Server to be a member of the group.  This is done just as any other group invitation by using the Invite link within the group itself.  

Do not invite Websby Support to the group, only the Websby Server.

invite websby server to group


 group setup form

Once a group feed or calendar is "allowed" to be shared with the website by the Edsby group moderator, there is still one more step that needs to be taken in order to have the content show up on the website; each feed post or calendar event must be specifically switched from private to public by a group moderator.   When this is done, the post or the event will then be visible on the website.


The moderator of a group can opt to allow content from a group to be published on the web by checking the appropriate checkbox on the group setup form as illustrated.


Once that is done, then the moderator can select any post to the group feed or any calendar event for publication to the website, and can remove that content at any time.  

To publish and unpublish feed posts, simply hover the mouse over top of the post and a menu will appear appropriate to the state of the post's published status.


 publish unpublish feed











group calendar publish to web checkboxFor the group's calendar, each event will have a checkbox that allows you to make the event public. This checkbox must be checked for that event to be visible on the website.




Again, the following must all be done for any bit of content from a  group to appear on your website:

  1.  The group must have the Websby Server as an invitee
  2. The group setup must have the "Allow some content from this group to be displayed on the website checkbox CHECKED
  3. The content that you wish to have on the website must be PUBLISHED to the website (feed or calendar event)
  4. Your group's feed or calendar must be associated with a content panel in a layout of a web page.













Web Manager Series Video Tutorials
Web Publisher Series Tutorial Videos
Websby Logo associated with a link to change the website to the editing mode